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Blog 4 Columns

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Egyptian Red Crescent Meeting Acchah

Palestine / Gaza Emergency Appeal

Over the last few months we have been working tirelessly to collect funds for the awful situation that is the Israel and...Read More→
Asian Rural Foundation Acchah

New Masjid Building Project in Bangladesh

We have just announced a new partnership with the Asian Rural Foundation to help support Burmese Rohingya refugees living in Bangladesh. The...Read More→
Morocco earthquake

Morocco Earthquake Appeal

One month on from the earthquake in Morocco we surveyed all of the effected areas to assess the extent of the damage...Read More→

Food Hunger – A Systemic Problem?

One day our fundraisers were handing out free food to the public, as part of our free food bank service. A member...Read More→
Acchah Food Parcel

The Cost Of Living Crisis: Choosing Between Food & Bills:

The cost of living crisis as meant that many people find themselves in the difficult position of having to choose between heating...Read More→