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Palestine / Gaza Emergency Appeal

Over the last few months we have been working tirelessly to collect funds for the awful situation that is the Israel and Gaza war. On 7th October 2023 we were discovered news that Israel had been attacked by the now declared terrorist group Hamas. We were appalled and saddened by this and hoped that the problem would not escalate. Sadly this was not the case, with Israel carrying out retaliatory air strikes and attacks that have so far claimed over 20000 Palestinian lives and injured more than 50000, with the death toll still rising. Indiscriminate airstrikes continue to rain down on innocent people as Israel persists on their relentless mission to wipe out Hamas. Our goal is clear – to assist in providing relief and aid to all those affected, to try to minimise the loss of life and injury as much as possible.

As an intermediary agency we collect funds for different charities that we carefully select, ones that we feel operate an ethical and openly transparent system, with no links or ties to any commercial profit making companies or bodies. And so with our close links to Egypt and it’s close proximity to Palestine we decided to use the the Egyptian Red Crescent and Resala Association Egypt to pass funds as an unofficial partner or without an official agreement in place, thereby speeding up the humanitarian assistance package and ensuring Palestine gets as much help as needed.

Our strategy

We conduct monthly visits to Egypt to meet with our colleagues there and provide assistance through money, food, water, clothes and urgent medical supplies. With our third visit due soon, we plan to cross the border into Gaza itself and help further on the ground.

We thank you for your continued support and pray that a solution to this crisis comes as soon as possible with an end to further loss and damage to life.

JJ – Director, Acchah C.I.C

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